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Games Portal

The Getaway: Charlie's Wrath

Charlie Jolson, the cities notorious crime boss has kidnapped your son, and is blackmailing you in exchange for his safe return. Follow the Story of Mark Hammond, as you pursue a series of requests from the notorious crime boss himself, in a bid to save your son from an untimely fate.

🕵🏼 Criminal Storyline
⭐ Story Missions
👊🏻 Gang Fights
🚓 Car Chases
🌍 Open World
💂🏻 Based in England
🧩 Created in UEFN



After I so thoroughly enjoyed capturing the essence of Britain in my previous entry, I wanted to continue with another hidden gem from my place of origin! Following the gripping story of Mark Hammond and Evil City Crime Boss Charlie Jolson -xVonKlutch


1 Player

Story, Strategy

I remember playing The Getaway many moons ago on the Playstation 2, and this game perfectly represents it's source material, and really brings a change of pace to my regular Fortnite. This is definitely a Hit from me! - Braddta98

Media Files

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